Work Package 2

Modelling population exposure to traffic pollution

Outdoor concentrations of air pollutants in London reflect both regional background and local sources. In this work-package we will focus on the spatial and temporal variations in concentrations and population exposure to design a new and advanced exposure model.

This hybrid model will be used to:
  1. Predict and evaluate changes associated with transport policy options
  2. Evaluate the degree of misclassification between exposure based upon postcode averages and the hybrid approach
In addition to the above, a GIS-based model of noise and noise exposure will also be developed, based upon the previous work by Dr Gulliver in developing a Space-Time Exposure Modelling System for Noise (STEMS-Noise).
The original model will be significantly improved and refined by introducing further datasets including the height and geometry of buildings, noise barriers, land use, aircraft noise and spatially and temporally varying traffic data already held by ERG.
Staff Involved

  • Lead: Dr Sean Beevers
  • Module 1: Dr Sean Beevers
  • Module 2: Dr John Gulliver

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